Coconut Oil Benefits for Hair and How to Use It

Tyler Thompson
4 min readDec 24, 2019


Coconut Oil Benefits for Hair

So as soon as I worked up a pretty good lather, I’m going to go ahead and rinse again. The first shampoo. Not being too picky about getting all of the products out, but trying my best and squeezing the excess out. And now we’re going to start with shampoo number two.

Apply the Shampoo Directly to My Hair

So this time I apply the shampoo directly to my hair and I go ahead and add water as I go. So this time around, I do scrub a little bit harder. I also take time to specifically scrub the middle section of my hair because that’s the thickest part of my hair. And if there’s paul mitchell foaming pomade left in my hair, it’s never on the roots. It’s always in the middle section. So I just pay extra special attention to that.

Then I rinse again. And as you can see here, I kind of just wait and let the waterfall down my hair to make sure that all that shampoo just slides right off my hair and make sure I get the front.

Moving on to Conditioner

And then I squeeze the excess out. Then moving on to conditioner. Yes. I use it a lot. I think that the conditioner is a huge reason why the paul mitchell shampoo two out of my hair. Someone also commented this on an article a long time ago and I was like, oh, my gosh, you’re right.

It helps so much. So I do it twice. So this first time I just put it from my ears to the ends of my hair and I twist it through my hair, as you can see if you shit like me. You can roll your hands into a little ball and all the hair will become a knot.

And then you can throw that away with the paul mitchell the conditioner in my hair since it makes my hair a little bit smoother and slipperier. I just take the pieces of hair and separate them to kind of help with the tangles as opposed to like combing it out in the shower.

And then I’m going to rinse that once again, just letting the water slide the conditioner down my hair. And then the last thing I do is just take a little bit more conditioner. And I do put it from my ears to my ends. But I also put it a little bit on my roots as well. I am usually kind of work it in my hair for about a minute and then last rinse. This is my last chance to get all the remaining coconut oil out of my ears.

Combing Through My Roots

So I’m combing through my roots and then I separate the hair and then I just squeeze the excess out of it one last time and the water looks pretty clear. So that means that all the products should be out soon with a towel.

I’m just squeezing it one last time to get as much excess water as I can. And then as far as towel drying my hair. You may remember this from my previous wet to dry hair routine, but I don’t use a towel because I feel like this T-shirt is a lot less damaging because it’s softer on my hair and it gets the job done the same way.

Wet to Dry Hair Routine

So then I waited about a minute and I took the towel off and then just put a dish tangled in my hair and use my wet brush to get the tangles out of my hair. Like I said in my intro, I’m planning on making a separate article showing you guys my wet to dry hair routine. As far as moroccanoil hydrating styling cream I use now and how I blow dry it and style and all that.

So definitely stay tuned for that. But as of now, I think we’re finished fan even though I didn’t show you guys on camera. Here is what my hair looks like blown out and styled after this whole coconut oil process has been done.

Looking for Something to Heal Your Hair

It just makes my hair so soft and so shiny. And if you guys are looking for something to heal your hair, I highly recommend you try this process out.

There you have it. That is how I apply coconut oil to my hair. It’s quite the process. I know I’ve recently been collecting all of your questions on my social media regarding coconut oil, and I’m planning on making an article very soon with just your frequently asked questions.

So if you guys have any questions, please either leave a comment below or ask me on any of my socials so that I know what questions you have and I will try my best to answer them for you guys. Hopefully, this article was helpful to you guys. I love you guys so much. Thank you so much for reading.



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