Matrix Total Results Brass Off Shampoo Review

Tyler Thompson
2 min readDec 26, 2019


Hey, what’s up in this city. Welcome back to my job. Tell you we’re going to be testing out this matrix brass off shampoo and conditioner. I’ve had my hair done for a while now probably a couple of months and it’s starting to look a little bit brassy. One of my friends recommended this. Brand to me. It’s like purple shampoo. So we’re going to be testing these little bad boys out but it’s just reading the directions right now and it says I want to use this shampoo.

You should probably use gloves. And I didn’t have any of this.

Hey, do you have any gloves? I work for my hair shirt.

All right. So we got some gloves shampoo just says to wash your hair. Apply it leave it in for three to five minutes and then rinse it out in the conditioner.

It just has to apply to the wet hair massage and rates. It doesn’t look the greatest right now. I can definitely. I’LL BE BACK.

HEY WHAT’S UP, GUYS. So it’s been like about a week that I filmed what you guys just saw which was me testing out the Matrix Toning neutralizing shampoo. Like I said this was recommended to me and I tried it out.

I didn’t see any article on people testing this out on like brunettes hair They’re all blond. So I decided I’m just going to record it and put it up there for whoever is a brunette and wants to try this out.

I would recommend it. I did pay around 30 dollars for 16 each. I use this twice. You’re not supposed to use it like every day but I just didn’t see enough results for the first time. So I just wanted to see if it would do anything like else if I tried it one more time and I have no complaints. So as you can see. It didn’t do anything bad which I’m thankful for. And it kind of just did what I wanted. Like it was starting to look a bit brassy.

It did.

Bringing it up a lot and I like the way it looks. I liked the results. And there you have it. And you haven’t done so already. I am going to be posting more this year. I’m very determined. Coming down below your fever a hair product that you use or your favourite styling tool your favourite brand anything.

Also, don’t forget to follow all my social media is down low to stay updated. Either way, I will see you guys next.



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